Strange Town Drama Classes

Strange Town Youth Theatre  (Ages 8 – 18)

Strange Town Youth Theatre runs weekly classes and holiday courses for young people at Out of the Blue and presents regular performances in Edinburgh venues. Whether you have drama experience or have never done drama before, this is your chance to learn about different styles of performing, to have fun with drama games, acquire skills and to meet new people. 

Strange Town is run by experienced youth theatre leaders, and is unique in that all its plays are written by young people for young people. If you’re interested in joining, please email

Weekly Classes

(Term time)

Tues 14-18s  6-8pm New Writing 
 Wed 11-14s 5-7pm New Writing
 Thur 14-18s 6-8pm Devising
 Fri 8-10s  2-3.30pm New Writing
Fri 11-14s 3.30-5.30pm New Writing

Costs for these groups vary. These are bursaries from an access fund available, offering free and discounted places for those that need it.

Classes run during term times (Sep-Dec, Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun).

To join the waiting list or for any other questions contact or look on

Holiday Projects 

During Easter and Summer school holidays we run 2-day or 5-day drama projects – exact date and costs vary (Access fund available).

Please contact for more details.

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  • How to get here

    Click/tap here to see buses that pass the Drill Hall, directions and building accessibility.

    Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 36 Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh, EH6 8RG Learn how to get here →

  • Cafe Opening Hours

    Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm.
    Closed Sunday.

  • Donate

    Over the course of 2024 Out of the Blue will continue to offer opportunities for artists and members of the community to learn, participate and earn income.

    We use the space we have developed in 6 buildings in Edinburgh for studios, workshops, classes, projects, exhibitions, social enterprises, events, clubs, music making, markets, a cafe and more.

    Our all year round activity helps create the culture of the city, supporting the local economy and having positive social impact for the thousands of individuals and organisations we work with.

    We would humbly accept a financial donation, however small, in support of our work.

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  • Association

    Green Arts Project logo OSCR logo with charity number SC022812