Bruncheon! featuring the songs of David Bowie

Saturday 8th February 2014
11.30am - 3pm, free entry

Put another log on the fire for me
I’ve made some breakfast and coffee
David Bowie, Oh you Pretty Things 

Following the very positive response to the Songs of Lou Reed Bruncheon, we have received a lot of requests to do the Songs of David Bowie and on February the 8th we are going to do exactly that. David Bowie is one of the most influential living musicians and is the writer of hundreds of fabulous songs. A versatile chameleon of sound and vision, he transcends any genre as if it ‘s quicksand and always lands in a new and infinitely more interesting realm. His intelligent, powerful and groovy songs will last forever one way or another – people will always listen to the recordings, but people will also want to sing the songs of David Bowie. And seeing as Bowie has claimed he no longer wants to tour, the closest we can get to live versions of his songs, is to hear other people sing them. So we have invited some of Edinburgh’s best loved musicians to come and give their own interpretations of the Bowie songs that have inspired them the most. This will be a family event, “Look at your children see their faces in golden rays”. And of course there will be food, and a special Bowie themed menu.

Check back soon for details of this month’s performers.

Follow Bruncheon on facebook here.

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